Hollywood Comes Home

Hollywood Comes Home V.B. Emanuele
4 Stars ARC read-worthy

Hollywood Comes Home


Having a stable relationship when you’re the most sought-after actor is hard. Boston native, Chance Hardwin, is an A-list actor who once fell in love with an exotic dancer, Amber Wilson. After breaking up due to his filming schedule, he relocated to Los Angeles to hide his sadness from his friends. Chance quickly finds himself falling into some trouble. He’s plummeting on a downward spiral of partying with celebrity friends, public intoxication, and drunken interviews.

After hearing that Amber might have moved on with another man, he’s swallowed whole by torment and jealousy. With the help of his friend, Ian Knight, he returns home to take back what was once his. Unbeknownst to anyone, Chance’s return to Boston has caused a lot of problems for someone who’s been wanting revenge for a long time. Will Chance get the ending he wants, or will it be too late?

My Thoughts

Hollywood Comes Home is another steamy, quick and enjoyable read by V.B. Emanuele as part of the Club Euphoria series. It is book 2, and focused on the story of Chance (aka Hollywood) and Amber.

I really liked this one! I wasn’t sure how I was going to like reading from Chance’s perspective based on his personality in the first book, but I was pleasantly surprised. I knew I would like Amber and her perspective, and that was exactly what happened.

Poor Amber, her chapters were so sad! She was heartbroken and mopey and wary of people… I wanted to wrap her up in a hug and tell her everything was alright. As far as Chance goes, as much as I want to tell him he brought it upon himself, it was really powerful to read his drinking struggles and and despair at the situation. I couldn’t help but feel bad for him.

The spice in Hollywood Comes Home was magnificent. I love that they were more kinky than Ian and Jenna, and I loved them playing rough. It was spicy and sexy and everything you want from a kinky scene.

I am really enjoying the Club Euphoria novels and can’t wait for book 3! The ending in Hollywood Comes Home was crazy and brought the mafia twist back in full force. Interested to see what comes next!

Overall, I really enjoyed Hollywood Comes Home by V.B. Emanuele as book 2 of the Club Euphoria series. It was spicy, heart wrenching, anguishing to read, and a really great read!

Read worthy.

See what books I think are worthy of a re-read here.

Read my reviews of book 1, Just Business, book 3, Secrets of Euphoria, and book, 4 Scarred Hearts.

*This book was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own*

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