Threads of Fate

5 Stars ARC worthy of a re-read

Threads of Fate


All Orah wanted was to discover what lay behind the hidden garden door, but when it inadvertently traps her in the Land of Gods, she finds more than she bargained for. Now stuck in this new world, she must decide if she can unlock the power necessary to get her home. To do so, she will have to reckon not only with the Gods threatening her but also with the darkest parts of herself. Can she make peace with her past, and can she take on an equally terrifying allowing herself to fall in love?

Roan never expected the intriguing woman who stumbled into his garden. Nor did he expect the Fates to call forth the challenge he’s spent his life running from. While forced to face his birthright, he must also search for a way to return Orah to her own world before her power is detected by the monsters in his. As he strives to get her home, he finds himself questioning if he can and, against his better judgment, if he wants to. Leaning on those closest to him and fighting his own painful past, Roan must decide if he can accept who he is to help protect those he loves.

My Thoughts:

Threads of fate is such a unique concept, I was sucked into the story right away and unable to stop thinking about it until I finished… and then have continued to think about it afterwards.

I absolutely loved the premise of the secret garden door in-between worlds, and a shadow daddy who doesn’t open up to people on the other side. Except you know, for the girl who literally walked into him from another world. I am dying to learn more about the world – I want to see all the lands, learn about them all, and see what they are like. I also need to know what happens in book 2 because I am not dealing with what happened in book 1 until I make sure it all actually turned out OK.

One of my favorite parts was the slow burn. It was super realistic that she was resistant to falling for someone she most likely would never see again, and I liked that. I also hated it because I wanted them to get together sooner, but it was good writing.

I also loved the training with Jes. This whole story line of her getting stronger and working on her powers, working through her trauma, it was just fantastic. I am a sucker for an FMC who wants to take control of her life, get strong, learn her powers, and kick some butt.

The ending was a lot, and I didn’t particularly like it (for obvious reasons once you read it), so I hope we get to undo or change what happened – otherwise I may never recover.

Overall, Threads of Fate by CM Bloomington is book 1 in this riveting new series, and I feel like we are set up for so much action and plot and twists in book 2… I cannot wait to see what happens.

Worthy of a re-read.

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