Strands in The Web

4 Stars ARC read-worthy

Strands in The Web


A sacred duty…
An impossible love…
A ruthless fate…

Valorie’s life revolves around finishing her final year at Sycamore University alongside her two best friends, and escaping the clutches of her abuser. When she meets an interesting stranger one afternoon and a fast friendship sparks into existence, things seem to finally be looking up for her…if she can only stay alive long enough to enjoy them.

As a dehmi—a grunt class of benevolent immortals sent to facilitate the advancement of mortal realms—Conall spends his days using his healing affinity to complete missions assigned by the Paragons. Prove his worth, and he will eventually earn his place back on Avallea. After being shown a vision of a battered Valorie by the Paragons of the Underworld, he steels himself to do what he does best: defeat whatever, or whomever, is threatening her. Until he finds out his mission is not to save her…

It’s to kill her.

My Thoughts:

Strands in the Web was a really enjoyable read for me! I would say this is more of a comfort read versus a super in depth read, so if you are on the same page there then you are sure to enjoy!

We follow Valorie and Conall, and while I liked them both I didn’t feel like I could connect with them. I really liked Valorie’s backstory, her issues with past relationships, and the general plot. I loved her 2 friends, they rock! I want more from them, I love them so much. I just didn’t feel particularly connected to Valorie, she was written to be ‘too perfect’ and I just don’t connect with those types of characters. If you do, then you will love her! I did like her, I just wasn’t super invested.

I loved the budding friendship + more that happened with Valorie and Conall, it was so cute! However I did get confused when we jumped like 3 months into the future for them dating, I was not expecting that and felt like there was info left out. Additionally, when there was some huge mind blowing news dropped, Valorie just… was chill about it? IDK I was expecting her to feel betrayed but she didn’t – and while it wasn’t what I would have imagined, it was cute to see her totally accept him. It just made the reveal towards the back end of the book confusing, because how can she be chill about one thing but not another?

Again, it is more of a chill vibes read so if you take that into consideration, these things mentioned above don’t mean a ton.

I am excited to learn more about the magical system, and cannot wait to see what happens in book 2! Where we left off is giving me major excitement and I am super ready to read it.

Overall, I really did enjoy Strands in The Web by K.T. Host. I think there could have been a bit more depth and less perfect characters, but other than that I loved it!

Is it worthy of a re-read? Let's get to reading and find out. If I love it I might start immediately over again...who knows? Genres: fantasy, romantasy, smut, sci-fi, dark romance, and more! I read on average 2-4 books per week, and average 150+ books per year. I am passionate about reading books and sharing my reviews and discussing books with like minded readers and friends. One of my favorite parts of reading a good book is mentally processing the contents and getting to share my thoughts about it both online and in person with those around me.
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