A Reign of Rose

A Reign of Rose
5 Stars ARC worthy of a re-read

A Reign of Rose


They must save the world—but can they also save each other?

Kane Ravenwood, King of Onyx Kingdom, would go to the ends of the continent for Arwen Valondale, but what if she’s beyond even that? Broken in ways he never imagined he could be, Kane must find a way to fulfill the prophecy and kill his father, Fae King Lazarus. And after what he’s endured, he’s willing to save Evendell by whatever means necessary—even if that spells his own death.

Little does Kane know, he’s not the only one fighting for revenge. Arwen is no longer afraid to fight—no sacrifice is too great, no enemy too daunting. Now, nothing will stop her from destroying Lazarus and his allies, because she knows if she fails, both realms will be doomed forever.

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed A Reign of Rose as the final installment of the Sacred Stones trilogy.

I loved that it started off right where book 2 left us, and thought the story line was super interesting.

Getting Kane’s perspective while Arwen was captured was so powerful, and I truly felt his agony and anger. Then the twist

with how he would be able to potentially defeat his father?
So good! Arwen’s perspective while she was imprisoned was interesting! I liked the 2 guards and how that played out, and the overall plot for her being there.

Once they were reunited, ugh! So good. I really loved this book and this trilogy overall, and am sad it is over! I really hope there will be a spinoff about Griffin and Mari because man that slow burn is slooowwwwwww.

The rest of the story was really interesting, I am glad we got to meet the Rose Queen, and I loved how that panned out. Her curse/issue was super messed up but also interesting, as well as the blood fae interactions. messed up but so interesting! I also would love to get a spin off novella or story about them and the leader for sure!! Why

does he want the daughter???
I need to know, and a 20 years in the future spinoff about them would be super great.

The battle at the end was *chefs kiss*, I wouldn’t have wanted it to go any other way – it was perfection. So much tension, detail, angst, and fear!

Overall, I loved A Reign of Rose by Kate Golden and the entire Sacred Stones trilogy and would recommend it to everyone who loves romantasy! It has a great mix of fantasy and romance, and keeps it all interesting along the way.

Worthy of a re-read.

See what other books I think are worthy of a re-read here.

Read my reviews of book 1, A Dawn of Onyx, and book 2, A Promise of Peridot.

Is it worthy of a re-read? Let's get to reading and find out. If I love it I might start immediately over again...who knows? Genres: fantasy, romantasy, smut, sci-fi, dark romance, and more! I read on average 2-4 books per week, and average 150+ books per year. I am passionate about reading books and sharing my reviews and discussing books with like minded readers and friends. One of my favorite parts of reading a good book is mentally processing the contents and getting to share my thoughts about it both online and in person with those around me.
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