Kingdom of Thieves

Kingdom of Thieves by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti
2 Stars

Kingdom of Thieves

Aladdin doesn’t care about princesses, or much else for that matter. The one thing he does care about? Gold. And when he crosses paths with a traitor of the kingdom, he has a chance to get his hands on more than he ever could have dreamed of. There’s only one rule: he can have everything in the hidden cave except a mysterious lamp. But Aladdin doesn’t do rules. Just like he doesn’t do princesses. Although…he’s starting to change his mind on the latter.

Aladdin + Rapunzel retelling. Not my favorite, not my least favorite.

Still not sure how this is going to pan out but this first book was really hard for me to get through. I was about 60% of the way through before I felt like it picked up enough to hold my attention.

I will probably read the next 2 in the series just to see what happens, because the last 20% of the book started to be more interesting. The inner monologue and introductions to all 4 main characters was not the most riveting content, but I am interested to see where this goes.

Kingdom of Thieves by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti was not a bad book, but could use some refining. Not the worst, not the best.

Not worthy of a re-read.

See what books I think are worthy of a re-read here.

Is it worthy of a re-read? Let's get to reading and find out. If I love it I might start immediately over again...who knows? Genres: fantasy, romantasy, smut, sci-fi, dark romance, and more! I read on average 2-4 books per week, and average 150+ books per year. I am passionate about reading books and sharing my reviews and discussing books with like minded readers and friends. One of my favorite parts of reading a good book is mentally processing the contents and getting to share my thoughts about it both online and in person with those around me.
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