Stone Heart

Stone Heart by Katee Robert
4 Stars read-worthy

Stone Heart

In the city of Olympus, people only speak about Medusa in whispers. She’s Athena’s knife hand, the one sent when Athena wants someone to disappear. Athena sends her after Calypso, the mistress of the rich politician Odysseus. As far as Medusa can tell, Calypso hasn’t done anything remotely worthy of a death sentence, and her conflicted feelings only get compounded when she finally sees the woman. Calypso is beautiful and cunning and she’ll do anything to keep her life—including seducing her would-be assassin.

What starts as a ploy to escape quickly spirals into genuine interest. Medusa is hardly the cold killer that rumors suggest, and Calypso is far more complicated than her reputation as a ruthless gold-digger.

I really enjoyed the Stone Heart prequel novella of the Dark Olympus series! It was quick and captivating, and I loved learning more about Medusa and Calypso. I really liked the angle of Medusa not being able to go through with assassinating Calypso and them seeing the beauty in each other, even in a situation like this.

The way Medusa and Calpyso were described was great, and I loved how it panned out.

Overall, I really enjoyed the Stone Heart Novella by Katee Robert and am excited to continue on in the Dark Olympus series!

Read worthy.

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