Midnight Ruin

Midnight Ruin by Katee Robert
5 Stars ARC worthy of a re-read

Midnight Ruin

Eurydice Dimitriou has always been the innocent sister, but she’s finally ready to step out of the long shadow cast by her powerful family…and the ex who shattered her heart. Perhaps rough hands on soft skin are exactly what she needs to forget her heartbreak once and for all?

Charon Ariti has been Hades’s right-hand man for years. He’s given everything to the lower city, but now he’s ready to take something for himself. He’s only too happy to give Eurydice a special kind of education…but is her heart really free enough to be claimed?

Orpheus Makos will do whatever it takes to make things right. Once the golden boy of the upper city, he’s now a shadow of his former self. He’ll do anything to get Eurydice back…even if it means she’s not coming into his arms alone. Three hearts. Three futures. Countless ways to get it wrong.

But with enemies slipping through Olympus’s faltering barrier to lay siege on the lower city, a trio of broken hearts will be the least of these would-be lovers’ worries…

Midnight Ruin was quite the thigh clenching steamy dark romance story set in the world of Olympus. I started reading it last night when I was going to bed, and got 50% of the way through before I realized what happened. This morning, I picked up my coffee and my kindle and sat on the couch until I finished.

I LOVED this book. It was quick, steamy, dark, erotic, descriptive, interesting, and awesome.

The progression of Eurydice’s self reflection and confidence throughout the book as we went on was awesome. She became more confident, more in tune with what she wanted, and as a result, she gained not 1 but 2 partners – which I loved.

I’m sorry but Charon is the dreamiest steamboat ever. Can he take me to Hades club and teach me all the things?

One thing I really loved was the description of multiple gender fluid characters. The way they were written was fantastic, and exactly how it should be written in a book. They were described physically so you could envision them, and the gender neutral language was used really well. I have read several books this year where neutral language was used and it fell flat because I could not envision them, but Midnight Ruin did it perfectly well.

I also loved the polyamorous relationship Eurydice, Charon, and Orpheus gain with each other. It is sexy and sweet and I wanted the book to be longer so we could have more of them together.

The struggles Orpheus shared with Eurydice when he painted her were really raw and powerful. While Eurydice definitely struggled healing the past 9 months, Orpheus did as well. He has no self confidence and feels the need to pay penance – it is almost as if he is trying to make his life miserable and suffer, but not realizing that he has been suffering this whole time and needs to allow himself to heal.

This was a great book and a great addition to the Dark Olympus series! Overall, Midnight Ruin by Katee Robert was steamy and erotic and had me clenching my thighs and holding my breath during multiple scenes. I can’t wait for more!

Worthy of a re-read.

See what other books I think are worthy of a re-read here.

*this book was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Is it worthy of a re-read? Let's get to reading and find out. If I love it I might start immediately over again...who knows? Genres: fantasy, romantasy, smut, sci-fi, dark romance, and more! I read on average 2-4 books per week, and average 150+ books per year. I am passionate about reading books and sharing my reviews and discussing books with like minded readers and friends. One of my favorite parts of reading a good book is mentally processing the contents and getting to share my thoughts about it both online and in person with those around me.
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