Eternal Vow

Eternal Vow by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti
4 Stars worthy of a re-read

Eternal Vow

In the wake of the disastrous wedding, Montana and Callie are pulled in opposing directions by the bonds that tie them. While Montana yearns for Erik Belvedere, Callie is trapped between who her heart wants and the bloodsucker the gods have bound her to. Tension builds as the gods toy with the slayers and the vampires, compelling them to collide. And with an age-old hatred burning between Magnar and Erik…it’s time for the fight to take place.

Eternal Vow is a great continuation of the story! I really like getting the 1000 years ago perspectives from Magnar and Eric. They really add good backstory detail for us as the reader. Personally I didn’t enjoy the Fabian part of this story, he seemed like a whole different character and I didn’t like it very much.

I will say, why to they ‘breathe’ everything? Is that a whisper? A quiet talking? And why do they do it all the time in all different situations? Super odd.

Eternal Vow by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti was enjoyable and a good read! Interested to see what happens next.

Worthy of a re-read.

See what other books I think are worthy of a re-read here.

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