Highly Flawed Individual

Highly Flawed Individual
3 Stars ARC

Highly Flawed Individual


The shit started to hit the fan as soon as I met Jezebel. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking – name like that should have been a big, fat red flag. But I’m not a church-going person, you see. Well, at least not until I met Jezebel.

Look, I’ll be dead-set straight up with you – I sleep around. At least I used to until I met Jezebel. You see, I was certain she could be the one who’d tame my promiscuous ways. But as God or the universe or just plain bad luck would have it, my past caught up to just as I met her in the form of an STD. That stands for Sexually Transmitted Disease, for those blessed to be so naive. I won’t go into the details but it wasn’t the most attractive looking thing on the end of my… Johnson.

There was no way I could let Jezebel know, otherwise it would be game over before it’s begun. This meant I couldn’t allow my instinctual art of seduction to play out naturally. In fact, I had to do everything possible so as to not sleep with Jezebel. Including lying here… a lot.

So how far will I go before she learns the ugly truth? And risk her becoming the one that got away…


Highly Flawed Individual by T.C. Roberts is an interesting look at 30 year old Archie Flynn, a playboy turned std diagnosed man (lol) who grieves over the loss of his playboy status and ability to sleep with any woman he chooses – and for most of the book, that woman is Jezebel.

I enjoyed reading this book, and while it definitely seems geared more towards men versus women, I found myself chuckling at his misfortune and chaos and wondering what else could go wrong for him. His whole story was a whirlwind of deceit, chaos, and misfortune. The story mostly focused on him dealing with his unsightly and unwanted STD, while trying to woo Jezebel and stay out of her pants so she wouldn’t end things before they could really begin.

Archie was not my favorite character. He weirded me out a bit – lying and being a playboy – BUT I think he was written perfectly for the story. He is meant to be like this, which shows how well the author wrote him as a character. I always love when an author writes a character so well that they fit their situation perfectly. I would feel the same about Archie in real life, so T.C. Roberts really did a great job on this one!

It was interesting to set up the book to start at the end and then go back through everything that happened to get him to this point. Normally I don’t want the ending to be spoiled, but this was more about the journey and how we got to the ending than the ending itself, which I liked. It was different but I enjoyed it.

Overall, Highly Flawed Individual is an interesting character study of Archie Flynn, and if you like following the misfortune of playboy men then I would definitely give this a read.

**This book was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**

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